Preparing and filing
Your Tax Returns

Care Accountancy prepares tax returns after examining all sources of income arising from whatever sources, including capital gains and ascertaining the impact of all available allowances, deductions, exemptions, and tax reliefs. We provide our tax services to Individuals for their tax returns preparation, Sole-traders, partnerships small, medium and large corporate, employees and company directorships, housing associations, membership organisations, clubs & societies & cooperatives, trusts, charities, non-profit entities.

All type of businesses and millions of people file their income tax returns annually in the UK. However, certain people are mandatorily by law required to be filed self-assessment tax returns.

Our expert advice and specialists can advise on the following tax-related areas:

  • Savings income, dividends income, pensions, and investments
  • Capital gains tax
  • Tax on property on a property and rental income
  • Disposal of assets
  • Overseas earnings
  • Tax returns for individuals
  • Inheritance Tax
  • Trusts and Estates
  • Non-resident tax issues

Care Accountancy can handle the preparation and submission of the tax. Engaging a professional accountant provides a sense of satisfaction that the work would be accurate, complete, and error-free. However, if existing or potential customers prefer to file the income tax return themselves, we can assist them.

Accounting and Tax Services
Business Tax Planning
Retirement Strategies
Business Development

Watching out for the
Bottom line!

Be at peace of mind and use our tax specialists’ services which can advise on……

Our expert staff is available to assist you at every step in determining your tax liability accurately. Our methodology and our expert tax advisory service that covers extensive tax planning services for our clients which is instrumental in reducing their tax liability is based on the following:

  • Understand the personal, business, and financial objectives
  • Ways and means to lower tax on self-employed and directors
  • Consider pension, retirement planning, & tax exempted schemes
  • Consider ways that can minimize tax liability on disposal of assets
  • Consider how the burden of inheritance tax can be minimised
  • Take into account tax relief on certain businesses and investments
  • Ensuring all reliefs are claimed and taken into account
  • Take benefit of rules relating to residency status, domicile, and overseas tax
  • Account for all the types of income and compute taxes correctly


File a tax return if you know and understand tax rules and regulations. You can easily handle it without seeking professional help. There is no pre-requisite to hiring a professional accountant to file a tax return. Still, most people prefer to seek the assistance of a professional in handling such matters.

Hiring the services of a professional accountant is necessary because the process of preparing a tax return itself is complex, rules and regulations require the application of expertise and judgement, changes in laws require thorough understanding and interpretation of how the changes will be implemented, different types of items have different tax treatment and different tax rates, and the benefit of certain reliefs is available on other things.

Besides, when a professional files a tax return, it is his responsibility and moral obligation to consider all possible reliefs, allowances, and benefits and ensure that the tax liability is as low as possible, remaining within the tax rules.

Depending on each client’s situation, filing a tax return can also be complicated and time-consuming. That’s one of the reasons why most people would like to seek professional support to get the task done. Such an engagement removes the hassle of worrying whether the income tax return is accurate or not. It saves effort provides comfort and satisfaction for individuals who do not find enough time to prepare a tax return.

Care Accountancy can help prepare your self-assessment tax return, determine your tax liability, and prepare the tax return on your behalf.

Care Accountancy can also assist you in preparing any type of tax return, whether complex or straightforward. You can benefit from:

  • Our expertise and knowledge keep tax liability to the minimum.
  • Calculate correct tax amount and inform our clients when and what to pay.
  • Preparation of tax returns by using up-to-date HMRC authorised software.
  • Respond to HMRC queries raised throughout the year.
  • Act as a client’s agent to deal with HMRC issues and enquiries
  • Keep track of the due dates of filing returns. forms and payments
  • Review client’s tax history, update records and track discrepancies.
  • Maintain backup copies for our client’s accounting records
  • Providing a safe way for uploading files and approving the Tax Return online.

Care Accountancy can prepare your tax returns in the light of existing and changing legislation to avail maximum benefit and minimise the chances of a long term tax liability on you and your business. Please feel free to contact us if you want to arrange a free initial meeting to explore how Care Accountancy can help you.

The final stop
For your tax returns!

Filing your tax return, calculating, and settling tax liability arising early, allows you to think, understand, manage, and save cash flows and tax. Delays or inaccurate filings can result in late payment penalties and levy of interest.

STEP 1Your Problem

We explain the work process to our clients, timescales, and responsibilities to eliminate any ambiguity. We make promises that we can deliver and align our processes to these commitments

STEP 2Our Observance

We can review and examine circumstances on a case-by-case basis to determine the extent of implications and repercussion as to how the tax rules and regulations can affect you.

STEP 3Our Suggestions

Based on our reviews and consultations as to your individual or business circumstances we can forecast the tax implications with certainty and advise as to what can be done to mitigate or lessen the tax impact.

STEP 4Your Success

Keeping in view of the complicated tax regime and the higher rates of tax, it makes sense to seek professional advice which can shed light as to how tax liability can be kept to a minimum.

Get in Touch

Come and visit our offices or simply send us an email anytime you want. We are open to all suggestions from our clients.
94 Street Lane
9 Sheaf Lane
Coventry Road
B26 3EJ, UK
0113 8870 218
0121 7268 542

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    Leeds: 94 Street Lane, LS8 2AL
    Birmingham: 9 Sheaf Lane, Coventry Road,B26 3EJ
    London: Suite 2462, Unit 3A,34-35 Hatton Garden, EC1N 8DX
    Bradford: 22 Muirhead Drive, BD4 0HJ
    Batley: 504B Bradford Road, WF17 5JY

    OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us
    GET IN TOUCHCare Accountancy Social Links
    Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail.
    Leeds: 94 Street Lane, Leeds
    Birmingham: 9 Sheaf Lane, Coventry Road, Birmingham
    London: Suite 2462, Unit 3A,34-35 Hatton Garden,London, EC1N 8DX
    Bradford: 22 Muirhead Drive, Bradford, BD4 0HJ
    Batley: 504B Bradford Road, WF17 5JY
    OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us
    Leeds: 0113 8870 218
    Birmingham: 0121 7268 542
    London: 0208 0908 998
    Bradford: 44 7515 029751
    Batley: 0192 492 7447
    GET IN TOUCHCare Accountancy Social Links
    Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail.

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    Copyright by CareAccountancy. All rights reserved.

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